
Family Formals


Family Formals



For family portraits, I’ll place you in the centre of a large group photo with all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, godparents, etc. And then I’ll remove the extended family so it’s just grandparents, parents and siblings. 

I’ll keep removing family members and switch a few closer family members in and out so we get photos of you and your parents, you and your siblings, some with the groom and your family, etc. Then we’ll repeat the process with your spouse’s family. The whole thing will go quicker and smoother if you let family know how the portrait process will work ahead of time.

I’ll send out a list around two weeks before your wedding and I’ll ask you for a list of specific groupings, special situations (such as divorces or handicapped family members & more), but if you want to start brainstorming photos in the meantime, you’ll find my typical list below. 



  • Bride + Groom + Bride’s Extended Family 

  • Bride + Groom + Bride’s Parents + Bride’s Siblings + Bride’s Grandparents

  • Bride + Groom + Bride’s Parents + Bride’s Siblings 

  • Bride + Groom + Bride’s Parents

  • Bride + Groom + Bride’s Siblings

  • Bride + Mom 

  • Bride + Dad 

  • Bride + Groom + Groom’s Extended Family 

  • Bride + Groom + Groom’s  Parents + Groom’s  Siblings + Groom’s  Grandparents

  • Bride + Groom + Groom’s 

  • Parents + Groom’s Siblings 

  • Bride + Groom + Groom’s  Parents

  • Bride + Groom + Groom’s Siblings

  • Groom + Mom 

  • Groom + Dad 



Please note that this list is just a starting point and that I’m happy to take any requested family portraits as long as time allows!